Next Upcoming Event
White Belts to Red Belts
Verwood, Dorset BH31 6YS United Kingdom
We do hope you find the venue suitable and good for purpose. We ask that you respect it and look after the place we have. Please drive in to the site safely and take care when arriving and leaving the premises too.
I am very proud to offer you this space and indeed have really put a lot of effort in obtaining and getting it fit for purpose. If we all respect it and look after our Slamazone then I am sure it will flourish, just like your Tae Kwon-Do.
Please book into your classes as we have to adhere to guidelines at present. You can unregister from classes and edit bookings if you are unable to attend. Please do so if you make an error as other members may wish to have your slot. Look at the heading of the sessions as they determine what belt is being catered for within that time slot.
There is also a waiting system which allows you to book for a class on a first come, first served basis. It’s likely as our classes become more popular that we evolve to add more sessions over time. All feedback on the booking system welcome. We know that class sizes are limited but this is obviously owing to legislation and pod sizes within the Slamazone itself. Remember book your classes or others will fill the spaces.
Happy training and look forward to seeing you.
Master Lamberth