Well it has been a few Months since we have posted these.
A worldwide issue and just been bust keeping things ticking over.
Obviously hours have dropped significantly but not by as much as I thought they would.
There are some fantastic hours put in by you all considering the circumstances we all find ourselves in. Congratulations on your training during this different time. Have a look at the hours it makes for interesting viewing. The Top 10’s are impressive and some different names at the top of leader boards. The usual mass attendees have not been so busy with classes.
JUNE 2020
JULY 2020
I am doing a contest for who does the most Zoom Classes during lock down 2
The four categories are for the following:
- Black Belt Attendees
- Colour Belt Junior Atendees (5th KUP & below)
- Colour Belt Senior Attendee’s (4th KUP & above)
- Visiting Student Award
So get your hours of Zoom Rooms in and you could be the Prize winner!
Remember to book your Zoom Classes HERE
Go for it and see you in Zoom SOON!!!!
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